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Bank account of “National Trust Belgium” (NTAB)
BE17 0016 2443 2021
Dear NTAB members,
The Committee and I hope that you are all safe and well, coping with the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on your family life and professional activities. Continue to take care of yourselves and your loved ones!
This message is about our next Annual General Meeting (AGM), which we had scheduled to take place in Liège on Saturday, 25th April.
As there are now legal restrictions on public gatherings, it will come as no surprise to you that the Committee decided to cancel the planned AGM meeting in Liège and to replace it by a ‘virtual’ AGM, this meaning that we will have to proceed by electronic way (email).
In attachment, you will find the Committee’s report on the NTAB activities covering the past year. The minutes of the last AGM (in this case: our AGM in Lissewege in April 2019) can be found on our website.
May we invite you to read these documents attentively.
As to the report to this year’s AGM (click here) you are invited to send us your comments, amendments or any other thoughts, if any, and they will be included in the minutes of this year’s AGM, to be approved at our AGM next year.
As to the minutes of last year’s AGM in Lissewege (click here), they reflect faithfully our last year’s discussions and the Committee recommends their approval, hopefully without further discussion.
All your comments on both texts are of course most welcome, but we would like to ask you, for all practical purposes, to observe some guidelines:
in your written reactions, refer to the particular parts in the AGM report you are commenting on (f.e. ‘under the heading XYZ of the AGM report, it is said that …, but I think …’) and try to be as concise as possible
don’t feel compelled to write when you agree. Those who remain silent will be considered as agreeing, as is the case during a traditional AGM.
Timewise, we would like to receive your reactions and comments by Saturday, 25th April, the day we had planned to have our normal AGM in Liège.
Again, take care and we will be expecting your comments.
Best wishes,
On behalf of the NTAB Committee,
Jan Grauls, Chairman
Brussels, 16th April 2020.