NTAB membership

Standard membership fees

If you hold a Membership or Volunteer card of the National Trust in the UK, the annual fee of our Association is €25 for the first family member and €20 for every subsequent person living at the same address.

Associate membership fees

If you are not holding a membership or volunteer card of the National Trust in the UK but would like to participate in our visits and support our Belgian NT Supporter Group, you can join our Association as an Associate Member.

The annual fee for associate members is €35 for the first family member and €25 for every subsequent person living at the same address.

Reduced fees for joining mid-year

Persons who join after 1st July pay a reduced fee for the remaining months of the current year. They will be asked to renew their membership at the normal expiry date, which is Dec 31st, at the standard annual fee, as explained above. These reduced fees are as follows:
Standard members:
€12 for the first family member and €10 for any subsequent member at the same address.
Associate members:
€17 for the first family member and €12 for any subsequent associate member at the same address.

How to proceed

Fees should be paid to our account “National Trust Belgium” BE17 0016 2443 2021
Please mention ‘Member’ (and add your National Trust membership number e.g. 038 121 656) or ‘Associate Member’.

Make the membership payment separately from any other payment, e.g. for an event.
Your membership is registered once your payment is received in our bank account.

If you wish to renew your current membership, you do not need to complete the ‘New member application’ again. Just pay the annual fee.


Indicate type of membership

New membership application

Number of persons (living at the same address)
National Trust Membership number
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By submitting this form I agree that NTAB stores these personal data for membership contact & administration use. Find NTAB Personal Data Management Policy here.